Tree Plantation Program at Shree Bindhawasini Secondary School, Kavre

Date: June 28, 2024Location: Shree Bindhawasini Secondary School, Kavre

Tree plantation program was done at Shree Bindhawasini School, Mandan Deupur Municipality-10, Chandeni Kavre on 28th of June 2024 as a part of Eco club activity after the establishment of Eco club at school. Total 45 tree saplings were planted on 28th June, 2024 around the school premises. All the school teachers, students and eco club members were participated in tree plantation program. This program was organized by Bindhawasini eco club and supported by Eva, Emme and Maelle know as “Pokharise” and implemented by Kathmandu Environmental Education Project (KEEP).

Shree Bindhawasini Secondary School

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