KEEP is a registered non-profit and non-governmental organization, the Kathmandu Environmental Education Project (KEEP). Established in the year 1992, KEEP has the mission of ensuring the future ecological and cultural prosperity of Nepal and its people by maximizing the benefit and minimizing the negative impacts associated with tourism.
Our journey for two years was very hard due to the effect of the global pandemic. But we tried our possible way to create a space for working on it. Due to the pandemic, the whole tourism sector was in a dreadful state including other sectors too. But we try to work in those terrible days due to support from our national and international donors.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all our national and international donors for their immense support in this field. Also thanks to all the well-wishers and supporters for the continuous support and feedback. We would really appreciate the comments and suggestions from donors and others at any time. That would be very good for our organization.
KEEP has weathered the Covid storm, now I look forward to contributing to the longevity of KEEP.
Devi Prasad Panta,
KEEP 2022